Review Policy

Thank you for your interest. I am open to reviews, guest posts, author interviews, giveaway hosting and blog tours. I am very new to book blogging and I’m learning as I go. I am not a professional reviewer. My reviews are simply sharing honest opinion. 

I will consider and respond to all requests. I will only accept books that I think I will enjoy reading.
I will never  infringe upon the copyright of the author for any ebook I receive.

If you are interested in having me review your book, please email me at the email address listed. In the subject line please put Review request or author interview what ever it is you are emailing me about and the title of your book. In the body of the email please give me a summary of the book,genre,where your book can be published and any links to author website,blog,twitter and facebook. 

If you need the review posted by a certain date please tell me in the review request. I am in graduate school so I don’t always have as much time to read as I would like.
At this time I can only accept ebooks including eARCs for review. I prefer to read on my Kindle 2 but I can read a pdf on my computer if that is the only format available.

My reviews will be posted here on this blog,amazon, and goodreads.

I enjoy reading the following genres:
Contemporary romance
Paranormal romance
Urban Fantasy
Historical romance
Historical fiction
Post Apocalyptic
Fantasy (including fairy tale retellings,mythology, and King Arthur)
Science fiction (please note that I am a new reader to this genre.)
I occasionally read the following genres:
Christian romance
Horror (atmospheric horror mostly)
I also read young adult and middle grade books in the above genres.

Attention self-published authors I am open to reviewing your book if it fits in the above genres.

I rate books on a scale of one to five candles. If I did not finish a book I may still post a short blurb about the book and why I wasn’t able to finish it however it will not be posted to other review sites. 

 Five Candles: I really liked this book. I probably stayed up later than I meant to in order to finish it. 

Four Candles: It was really good. Definitely  plan on reading this. 
Three Candles: This is an average book for me.

Two Candles: It was okay nothing special. If you want to read it, see if the library has it first.

One Candle: This book wasn't for me.